Even without little miss purple pack we're hustlin to fit all our trends in one bag! Watch out west coast because the entire puppy pile is about 2 invade and we're bringing faasionz mega with us. We're covering all the bases including eyes,,,, panties,,,,, and lips (top&bottom) !!!
It's girlboys vs. boygirls this trip as the 70s flows battle the 50s leather trims. We're going group this time with puppy punch hacksaws galore. You won't even know whose foam is whose anymore!
Don't let the colour scheme fool you, the petal pushers are just as willing to climb in2 the dollar bin as the bulldykes. Let's hope we can get all of our hair past security...
I'm gonna be faithful to my Bette's and my Gretta's so long as I can fit the curlers in the bead bags and vice versa. See you on the flip side fatties! xxxbsg
So inspiring, this is great lovely.... the roaring tiger lips!