Obvious Confession: In the past Gaga and her sexy voice have always made us feel very sexy. She made popular and acceptable all the CFWG (care-free-white-girl) choices we made living in NYC so we/I see our/myself in her not because we/I wanna be her but because I, BABYSKINGLOVE, ACTUALLY am in some ways her, she just got famous first because she threw pop songs into the mix.

I admire her stupidity and her bravado- how she speaks of herself like she's a super hero or how she really believes that she invented performance art like she really really believes that. I can support. And so far she has impressed me simply because of her company. Her aesthetic is ultimately approved by me. Her shows are inspired by our shows. She keeps her offensive comments to a minimum and she supports teenagers which we obviously applaud. I wouldn't even say that her fashion voice-over [in Marry the Night (sic.)] bothered me because if we're gonna sell out we might as well do it for Calvin Klein since McQueen's not around to make quality commercials with her. But suddenly she's sinking back into this NY pride bit, back to her please look at me days.

For a hot sec there when she was in her pothead/[H]OM(o/e) moment I thought hey this kid is onto something and soon enough she's gonna at the very least send me a thank you card. She was tapping into something other worldly, like you could almost have mistaken her for a Japanese ten year old. And that egg thing at the MTV awards, let's not deny...genius. So now, I dunno maybe she suddenly caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, got turned on and decided, o shit I should just use my body that'd be easier! Or maybe she's running out of ideas that are faasioncz, all in all she's gone limp. I think someone in her department said hey we don't have enough straight male fans, get on the crazy girl look and boom, Marry the Night. Even Edge of Glory had more realness behind it and that was pathetic.

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