1. decorate your altar with winter greens and foods of the season (root vegetables, apples, pomegranates, citrus, latkes, christmas cookies, cinnamon). 1a. add a pentagram or 2 for good measure!

2. since it is the festival of lights and we aim to both welcome back the sun while shining a light into our own hearts, candles are the reason for the season. be mindful though, her flames can get the best of us so do not leave fires, presents, or beds unattended.

3. leave something that has died - quite literally in the form of bones or skulls or dolls or genders. alternatively, write down something you wish to discard and leave behind in the new year like a dream youve seen through or a boygirl you once loved or a wish... leave it on the altar or burn it in the candle flames. (careful though!)

4. always trim the altar tree alongside your best friends with your tits and bits out.

4. no christmas tree? any man and your stockpile of construction paper will do!

5. even with all those pretty lights, instagraming your holiday creations does not always make memories brighter.

hey babyskinglovers, send us YOUR holiday altar photos and we'll publish 'em LIVE right here on the blog as we puppypile couchside awaiting the birth of our lord jesusanta christ! get 'er dun, MARY.
txt us! babyskinglove@gmail.com
txt us! babyskinglove@gmail.com
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