all of us boygirls in babyskinglove understand the importance of taking care of our (hot) bodies cuz like duh we need them to be in tip-top shape for all the acrobatix, arcylix, booty-shakin' and baby-makin' a career like ours requires. thats why we wanted to let our beloved fans in on some very important information for those oft-neglected cervixes we know ya'll have:

ok so like yeah it kinda sucks wearin' a paper gown and layin' legs spread with those duck lips jammed inside yr cunt when you'd rather just have some hottie's fist up there (can i get an "amen"?) BUT for reals tho its so important to get yearly paps to help in the screening of hpv and possible cervical cancers. plus, its extra extra extra special that our beloved trannie fans with cervixes get paps, too. you hear that boys? just cuz that stuff in there doesnt match what youre frontin' on the streets (or in between the sheets....) doesnt mean you can neglect it! we want ohsomuch for you to be healthy in that hot body so you dont have to miss any of our performances!

for more information on pap smears for trans guys and anyone with a cervix, chk this site here.
for places to get affordable, queer and trans-affirmative healthcare in the new york area, chk out callen-lorde.
for some REALLY AWESOME photos of one woman's 25 year old cervix over the course of her monthly cycle -- chk out this awesome blog!
for ways to make your kinky play more medically inclined (how many times has your sex partner lathered up a speculum for some hot play, huh?)-- or to put a kinky spin on those pesky medical exams (your doc doesnt have to know your elaborate medical fantasy if it helps you thru the process!), please refer all titillating questions and potential first dates to wesley flash (clearly).
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