We met double-taurus Myra at a star-studded power conference in Brooklyn this past December. All the hot young innov8ors were there including JTT & Lourdes. She wooed us with her homemade powders and glitter bombs/She makes her own mascara I'M NOT EVEN JOKING! And she was graceful enough to grace us with a quick run down of her presentfuture for the blogspot. Please take a moment of inspir8ion,,,,
2. If you could be one [deceased] person from history who would it be and why?
Being that I grew up in Puerto Rico I identify strongly with women from my little, beautiful island of Borinquen. I would be Luisa Capetillo she was a labor organizer who fought for worker's and women's suffrage in Puerto Rico.
3. If you were an animal what animal would you be and why?
I'd be an elephant as they are representative of my current life. Female elephants live their entire lives in a tight knit group of mothers, daughters, sisters and aunts (resembles my life 100% as I come from a very large family of women).
I'm an algebra geek and I would have to say that xis my favorite symbol. It's an unknown variable that you have to try and figure out. This little variable can change your path just as in life there are so many variables that we need to figure out and decide upon.
Stay tuned for more colour and words of wonder from our dream crush and her magical lashings.
jessie j (aka the twin to our very own Viva), with a little help from katy perry (she's a co-songwriter) prove that a good game of domino's isnt just for old people...
MERRY MERRY my little snow-shoe-bunny-pryncesses! If you didn't get everything you wanted 4 xmas, set your hangover (II) alarms to 9am and get 2 the mega mall 4 BOXING DAY 2moro! We're stock piling our sportswear for our boygirl scout outwardbound adventure in January, a gr8 way to start the new year. Peep our duhmazing wishlist of family friendly splendour.
winter solstice, hanukkah, christmas, yule, advent, xxxmas -- call it whatever you want -- the time of magical altars and seasonal GIFs is upon us. have you built yours yet? for best results, be sure to follow babyskinglove's 5 simple steps to create the altar of your dreams. now, let that yule log warm your extremities as you welcome back the light.
1. decorate your altar with winter greens and foods of the season (root vegetables, apples, pomegranates, citrus, latkes, christmas cookies, cinnamon). 1a. add a pentagram or 2 for good measure!
2. since it is the festival of lights and we aim to both welcome back the sun while shining a light into our own hearts, candles are the reason for the season. be mindful though, her flames can get the best of us so do not leave fires, presents, or beds unattended.
3. leave something that has died - quite literally in the form of bones or skulls or dolls or genders. alternatively, write down something you wish to discard and leave behind in the new year like a dream youve seen through or a boygirl you once loved or a wish... leave it on the altar or burn it in the candle flames. (careful though!)
4. always trim the altar tree alongside your best friends with your tits and bits out.
4. no christmas tree? any man and your stockpile of construction paper will do!
5. even with all those pretty lights, instagraming your holiday creations does not always make memories brighter.
hey babyskinglovers, send us YOUR holiday altar photos and we'll publish 'em LIVE right here on the blog as we puppypile couchside awaiting the birth of our lord jesusanta christ! get 'er dun, MARY. txt us! babyskinglove@gmail.com
when the stress of the holiday sends you spiraling & your solstice party turns sloppy, at least you're still a housewyfe with the best gift at the yankee swap.
with flu season in full swing, its probably time you dust off that neti pot and up your whiskey intake to beat the cold and lonely winter...
careful tho, babyskinglove's resident wetnurse cautions that neti-pot users have been DYING FROM INFECTIOUS AMOEBAS in the water they've been shooting through their noses. can you even imagine? all that street jizz and our damn neti-pots could do us in first?
The puppy pile is back in actions this weekend! Pile on the photoshoots, faasioncz, interviews, body rollin, & meat pickin! We'll be flashing birthdays left and right, I'll save you some gingerbread fatties.
But NOW while the pomegranate hair dye sets in, what 2 wear- begin pink frock fetish, please send samples.
I was just sitting here thinking about my lack of leather and my excess of pleather and then I started doing some phone time with google and all of a sudden I found myself standing in the backyard covered in something that resembled cumin with seven hooded boygirls and a whole lot of tulle.
Needless to say it's just another Monday night of PBS acryllix & Anita Berber really knew how to rock a head tilt (I have so many good things to say about head tilts.)
(FACT! Did you know that in the twenties in Berlin it was a common fetish to eat a hot omelette off a naked prostitute? I think they called it egging or something. Such perverts.)
MONDAY DRAG MOMENT! Two chix who ALWAYS deliver your German wet dreamz are our loving dreamers
Laura & Kindra, crushes from heaven~~~
If life were a stage they'd be this girl to the pope. And if you're lucky they'll play with your hair. Don't be too jealous either, they're really good at sharing! Now accepting don8ions of flights to Berlin for 2012. What's a New Years without some sinning.
(FACT! All of Western Europe loves the colour dark green.)
This year, instead of making a ten page list of wants and needs, try to be thankful for all the things you have already like not living with your parents! Or if you do live with your parents maybe you have unlimited texting! And access to a full fridge!