L8 Nite 4play
So after you finish your group masturbation class with the boyz downstairs (X2C, Relentless, Pressure, Satisfaktion, & Pipelayer DUH) you mite wanna take some time to clean up between the bushes and I don't mean getting the merkins soapy. No, I mean open your arms and give your opossum the hug she needs. If you want some help figuring out how to properly love your pet, here's some useful tips from our friend Pearl, Rosie O'Donnell's ex-wife. It's just nicer when your rodent's nails are as bangin as mommie's!

L8 Nite Romance
Dear Boyz- Study this to become men.
Dear Gurlz- Follow-up.
Dear BoyGurlz- 5-way simultaneous orgasms, JEALOUS?!
Dear Gurlz- Follow-up.
Dear BoyGurlz- 5-way simultaneous orgasms, JEALOUS?!

tonite's full moon in the sign of aquarius is a reminder that we should howl towards the sky to thank the mother goddess, hold close our inner witch, and watch the season premiere of mad men to remember the days of good fashion, stiff drinks all day, closeted homosexuals, smoking indoors, and housewives shooting guns.
The Mickey 2 Our Minnie
it's like a macarena mating dance for the kidz who got kicked out of the mickey mouse club. learn it, bleeders!
now that lindsays back in the slammer
we thought it only necessary to pay homage to her jam-packed-with-hits career!
*official mug shot july 19, 2010, year of our lord*
exhibit A: kidzstardumb

The Parent Trap, 1998 (RIP Natasha Richardson)
exhibit B: teenstardumb
Mean Girls, 2004
exhibit C: popstardumb
chk out the dance sequence @ 2:40!!!
then she was a lesbian with this dyke
(thank goddess!)
then she processed that break-up like a lesbian with that other dyke
...wait did she do NEthing else?
linzee -- we know yr like totes tha most famous & we looooove yr spray tan (for serious) plus those leggings you hawk make our fattie thighs look so lean 'n clean. annnnd like ohmygod you are SO FUNNY when you do things like internet date or shoot murder porns and baby you shud put all 15 of us to work cuz we could clean that house for you like whoa and all youd hafta give us is a role in yr linda lovelace biopic cuz lord knows we gots tha deepest throats. miss you on twitter, baby! see you in 2 weeks! dinah & ali say hiiiiiiiiii(Gh)!
ps. gud job on the courthouse glitterbomb, tina colada & bloody mary!
Knock It Off!
Enough is enough. We see you, we know you're out there, and we're gonna get you.
First you rip off our Pearl Harbor show with that Videofone thing, then you get at our feathered headdresses and now NOW the bodily meat charts! Can you celebrities please cool off and stop stealing our stuff! I mean you Beyonce, you Gaga, you Kelis, and now even you Pamela!
I mean, we're totes flattered but we wouldn't mind a credit here or there...

First you rip off our Pearl Harbor show with that Videofone thing, then you get at our feathered headdresses and now NOW the bodily meat charts! Can you celebrities please cool off and stop stealing our stuff! I mean you Beyonce, you Gaga, you Kelis, and now even you Pamela!
I mean, we're totes flattered but we wouldn't mind a credit here or there...

All Wet n Covered in Blood
Hey boygirls it's hump day! Don't let the rain get you down, you've got half of the week behind you and half in front...I smell double penetration! Get your juniper and banana flavored astroglide ready because here's some incentive to keep on being stronger than the weather AND penises.
HEALTH "We are Water" from Eric Wareheim on Vimeo.
Happy Our
Bringing Handwriting Back
What a lovely thing to receive in the mail!

Back in 1732 when the founder and Gr8 Gr8 Gr8 Grandmuther of BSG invented handwriting, she predicted that in the 21st century BabySkinGlove would be solely responsible for keeping the postal system in business. Granny always played well with government employees. Here's a quick look back at the glory that was BSG: Emergency! at the Free Art Society a few weeks back. Remember, children, listen to your elders &believe in the power of the future...
Conspiracy Successful
Recruitable Talent
She's almost hotter than this HEAT!
(can you feel that buldge she's packin?)

(can you feel that buldge she's packin?)

This just in: Wonder Woman is taking on totally modern!
(Just like Michelle when she realized wearing designer get-ups would up her hubby's approval r8.)
(Just like Michelle when she realized wearing designer get-ups would up her hubby's approval r8.)
And now here's some help 4 those hot Staycations on Rockastay...don't 4get 2 look us up when ur ridin that A train, BSG will be @ our new Rockaway TIME SHARE every weekend thru August. That's rite boygirls, TIME SHAREs are as hot as the leather on your vespa's seat rite now so you mite wanna think about boarding this boat because ur basically making enough ca$hmoney by buying a time share that you can and will get a boat.

Talk about FUPA (fat upper pussy area, duh):

Here's a quick vid we pulled off the Enquirer's website...it's soooooo 1994 when tabloids think that catching celebrities fall is embarassing, suckas!
Everything about this makes me happy
Also this is almost exactly what happens when BSG goes out to the club.
I can't resist one more...
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